Today the team reviewed expedition logistics and made last minute preparations. They divided up the group equipment and food, making the sleds quite a bit heavier than they were on the shakedown. The weather in Longyearbyen was very windy (11m/s) causing swirls of snow to blow about the town. The sound of howling wind could be heard through hotel windows and it felt very much like the Arctic!
Pre-expedition preparation and equipment check.
Yesterday the team returned from a very successful Shakedown Training that included an overnight in a nearby valley and an 18 k ski back to town. During the night a sled dog named "Scott" kept watch over the tents to guard against polar bears, but none were seen. Everyone got some great experience using the same equipment that they will be using on their expedition. Their return to Longyearbyen from the shakedown was celebrated with a Thai food dinner and comfortable night at their hotels.
"Scott" the teams Polar Bear alarm.
Hjoleifur and Hrafnkell returning from the Shakedown Training
An early season weather pattern has caused what will hopefully be a short delay in the flight schedule to the Borneo Icecamp. We'll keep you posted on the flights of the team, and their activities in Longyearbyen while they await their departure.